Do you want to know about the Company’s contribution to society, territory and environment?

Scroll down and discover the results of more than 80 years of hard work, respect and solidarity.

Letter to Stakeholders

“In 2023, we continued to work on being more transparent, fulfilling our promise to open the company’s doors and share our year with total transparency in both financial and ESG areas. With this report, we anticipate the requirements of the new European sustainability reporting directive that will come into effect in 2025.”

Chiara Coricelli.

Our contribution to the United Nations SDGs

We decided to embark on a sustainable development path to impact the three ESG dimensions (Environmental, Social and Governance) with our operations.

Our contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been declined for each material issue as shown below:

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Loc. Madonna di Lugo, 44 06049 Spoleto – PG Italia

Servizio Consumatori

Customer Service: 800 – 509999


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© Pietro Coricelli S.p.a. | P.IVA 00517410544 | All rights reserved | PRIVACY | TERMINI E CONDIZIONI | CREDITS BY IKTOME