The condiments

A touch of fantasy in the kitchen

King of the spicy condiments of Mediterranean cuisine, Coricelli flavored extra virgin olive oil is indispensable to enrich any type of dish. A wide range ideal for both lovers of good food, curious cooks and those who want a quick and easy way to enhance the flavor of their recipes.

Seasonings based on flavored
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oils of the best quality, flavored with precious herbs and spices from the world. Flavored extra virgin olive oil turns out to be truly indispensable for creative cuisine: an ingredient aimed at connoisseurs, those who want to have the best and a special taste.

Alongside traditional flavors, discover the new line of flavors to add an extra touch of imagination to the kitchen.



Loc. Madonna di Lugo, 44 06049 Spoleto – PG Italia

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